Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The "Manny Method"

Connecting two strands of paracord has always been a major challenge.  The tried and true technique of the "melt and smash" has been a long time favorite. 

For those of you who do not know, the melt and smash is simply that, setting the two ends on fire and then while the synthetic material melts, you smash the two ends together.  When done correctly, this can be barely noticeable, but most of the time, it can be a bit of a mess.

Others prefer a cleaner way, which is to hollow out one piece while sliding the other into it.  Them melting the two pieces together.  When done right, this does look good, although personally I have found that they do not hold very well.

Recently, there has been a new technique called "The Manny Method" which helps to retain some of the strength of the paracord, while giving you a clean bridge between two color/pattern strands. Take a look at this technique as we will be discussing this as part of our next review on some paracord tools.

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